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Types of Septic Systems
Gravity System
A gravity system consists of three parts: septic tank, drainfield, and soil beneath the drainfield. A gravity system requires at least 3 feet of native suitable soil beneath the drainfield.
How a Gravity System Works
As wastewater flows from the house into the septic tank through the inlet baffle, heavy solids settle to form a sludge layer on the bottom of the tank. Lighter materials, including oil and grease, float to the top forming a scum layer. The wastewater liquid in the middle flows through the outlet baffle into the next component of the system.
Regarding the outlet baffle:
If your system doesn't already have one, consider installing an outlet baffle filter. These filters fit into the outlet baffle of your septic tank and add an extra barrier that prevents suspended solids from moving into the drainfield. Don't forget to clean your filter every 6 to 12 months.
If you have a concrete baffle, you may want to hire someone to retrofit a plastic baffle in its place. Concrete baffles tend to degrade in septic tanks due to corrosive gases. A filter can be easily installed on a plastic outlet baffle.
Gravity systems typically use a distribution box (d-box) to equally distribute the wastewater into each lateral pipe in the drainfield. Once the wastewater reaches the lateral pipes, it flows out of small holes into a gravelled trench eventually reaching the surrounding soil. Oxygen loving bacteria and other microbes treat the wastewater by removing pathogens. This final stage of treatment is critical in protecting groundwater and surface water.
Mound System
The mound is a drainfield bed that is raised above the natural soil surface with a specific sand fill material, all covered by suitable cover soil. They can be used when there's only 1 or 2 feet of native suitable soil. Within the sand fill is a gravel-filled or gravelless chamber bed with a network of small diameter pipes.
How a Mound System Works
The pump sends wastewater to the mound drainfield bed in controlled doses for even distribution to the pipes. The wastewater leaves the pipes under low pressure through the small holes in the pipes and trickles downward through the gravel and into the special sand fill. The wastewater is treated as it moves through the sand and into the natural soil.
Pressure Distribution System
Pressurized systems include a pump chamber that collects treated wastewater from the septic tank. A pressure distribution system is used when the soil and site conditions require controlled dosing, as when there's just 2-3 feet of native suitable soil beneath the drainfield. The pump chamber contains a pump, pump control floats, and a high-water alarm float. The pump action can be controlled either by the use of control floats or by timer controls.
How a Pressure Distribution System Works
Wastewater goes from the septic tank and flows into the pump chamber. The pump itself is located on the floor of the pump chamber. There are floats inside the chamber used to control the pump. The On/Off float turns the pump on as the wastewater rises to a preset level. The pump spreads the wastewater equally throughout the drainfield lines. When the wastewater level inside the pump chamber drops, the pump turns off and gives the drainfield soil time to absorb the wastewater. If the pump fails or too much wastewater enters the chamber, the highest float will rise and sound an alarm on a control panel near the house. Silence the alarm and contact a licensed professional like Shalom Plumbing & Septic..
Note: Not all pump tanks use a float system. Some systems use a timer control panel rather than On/Off floats.
Sand Filter System
A typical sand filter is a PVC-lined or concrete box filled with a specific sand fill material. A network of small diameter pipes is placed in a gravel-filled or gravelless chamber bed on top of the sand. They can be used when there's only 1.5 feet of native suitable soil under the receiving drainfield.
How a Sand Filter System Works
The pump tank sends wastewater to the sand filter box in controlled doses for even distribution to the pipes. The wastewater leaves the pipes, trickles downward through the gravel, and is treated as it filters through the sand. A gravelled underdrain collects and moves the treated wastewater to either a second pump chamber for discharge to a pressure distribution drainfield or to a gravity flow drainfield. The second pump chamber may be located in the sand filter box.
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